Saturday, May 7, 2016

Owning a home

     So I finally officially owns a house. This is great. Owning a house similar to me has become king on an area of ​​land that I own. I have a lot of authority over that area. So, I'm happy!

      Rather, I have had a certificate of land use rights since 2013. But until today, my border section with the house next door is officially under construction. It is a concrete wall for sure. Like a country need to have boundaries and the customs gate. I just feel comfortable and happy when my land borders have clear and fixed. Ultimately, that my desire has become a reality. I'm happy for that. On the land that I own a house and a small garden. In the garden, I planted many fruit trees that I like. I planted several species of vegetables that I want. And I feed the fish in a small pond at the bottom of the garden so I dug. Initially flooded the place year round. I've been digging in the area flooded, turning it into a pond. Take up my land into gardens remaining portion. So both my garden no longer flooded in the rainy season again. Can I grow all my favorite plants in the garden, feeding the fish and beautiful in my little pond. It is now officially become my paradise. And I'm feeling very happy about that!
      For Vietnam, owning a home is extremely important. Vietnam psychology loved the freedom, autonomy, self-esteem and wealth. For them, even as a small house, ugly, but it is his land, his house is even better to live in a big house, but the house is rented. Although Vietnam society is developing very fast. Rapid urbanization speeds up to dizzy. Massing population in cities and urban areas. The new buildings springing up rapidly. Expensive land in Hanoi on the 3rd row of the world, second only to London, England, and Beijing in China. So, owning the houses here is becoming more difficult. With the workers and students in other provinces to Hanoi, living in rented houses is almost a given. But those who have money, they always try to own a home, even though it is very small this sentiment very different from the mentality of the American people. Because in America, only the rich and successful the new owner of the property. Only 30% of the US population owned homes. But the houses, or land they own huge. And most of the people of the United States live in the apartment for rent. Even if they earn more money, they will move to live in a big apartment and luxurious. They had no thought of owning a home, if they are not really rich. Because Americans live very pragmatic! In life, there are only about 100 years. They live miserable to buy a house to do? Their jobs are constantly changing. They go all over the country to work. A place to call home is not necessary for them! Psychological buy houses for my life, for my life in American thinking very faint. Because they think that their money, they want to do is their right. They do not have a responsibility to nurture and care for their children, as it was 18 years old. The kid in the United States are also taught to be independent spirit since he was a child. They do not live the life thinking parents try to be hard, for my life miserable to enjoy happy, as happy as in the psychology of the people of Vietnam. On the other hand, in my mind, the mind of the American people lts very stable. So they feel good to live in a rented house. Even when they were unemployed, they are also raising cash government unemployment benefits. And the mentality of the unstable Vietnam. They need a house to live in and rely on the old age. Almost no one from Vietnam who felt really happy when not owning a house. Society also less respect for those who have no home in which to live in rented houses! They want to own them and leave our children and grandchildren, let them help suffering!
                                                                  Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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