Saturday, May 7, 2016

Getting rich from potato

       Getting rich from potato plants, the story of a great family Jeny as a joke. Yet it is a fact of Jeny her family. Jeny her family which came from a wealthy household in the region. Their living by trading cattle and beef breeds, beef. Because the good economic conditions, Jeny father had fallen into fad drink and gambling. Jeny's father was a heavy drinker. He is also known for a large sum of money into a casino illegal activities locally. Jeny family money which disappeared on targets. The valuable asset of the family was forced to sell off Jeny. Until villas and luxury large family had to sell to pay off debts, the father of Jeny has awakened completely. He really regretted that work done. He was very gentle injured wife and two of his poor child. He wanted to start over, but he knows what to do to quickly become rich! To maintain the life of the family, he continued to do business and farming cows cow, beef cattle business. He borrowed from all relatives and friends to buy three cows to start a small business back.

      Since there is no shelter, he had to build a farm in provisional agricultural land on the last remaining family. Called the farm, but that's just a huge canvas, covered up some eucalyptus trees to cover for 3 cows of family reproduction. One time he stopped her barn as a place to live and activities for the whole family. The area of ​​agricultural land to rest his wife and children to plant vegetables, and bring to the market to sell for money to buy food to help hungry potatoes. Jeny daily to collect manure and compost in the soil away from the house so they do not smell the stench. On the ground there, Jeny planting potatoes were sprouting of the family. No doubt, potato rapid growth in sources of organic waste cows. The big potato, was dug up fresh after about 3 months of the spring as the whole family of Jeny Jeny laugh out loud. So they have to be food autonomy. Thanks to the extra money selling vegetables, Jeny's parents decided to try farming Tom, the youngest brother of the family to go to school. Because of Jeny father thought he mistakes just because of lack of education! Jeny families harder to care for Tom to go to school in school in the town, but in return, in their eyes have more hope for the future! Jeny's family continues to expand potato growing area of ​​family. Because the larger cows, and more waste. Potato plants all year round living. On summer afternoons the temperature is too hot, they have shade for the potato by their source of food reserves cows are dried rice stalks. So the family potato they grew and developed well throughout the year. Their potatoes are great. They have excess potatoes to eat, so more tasks Jeny is sold potatoes at the market! Realizing grow potatoes little harder vegetables, could grow them all year, and it's also easier to sell vegetables. Jeny's family moves to a monoculture planting potatoes. Daily Jeny potatoes to market. Fresh potatoes and Jeny family's tremendous popularity across the region. Jeny selling price of potatoes is always higher than the others. Jeny family's economic stability therefore increased. When the family's barn very heavy odor. The reason is that the daily urine of cows seep directly into the ground already saturated. Jeny's father was forced to move the barn to another area of ​​agricultural land, the family Jeny planting seed potatoes on the land. Jeny whole family was amazed when the potatoes are grown on land that is the old barn tremendous growth and green spikes. The potatoes were dug up very loud and many. That ground is very porous and fertile. Since the only selling potatoes at the market daily Jeny delivers wholesale potato production for the sales in other markets. From only three breeding cows initially, now has 20 families Jeny breeding cows, 12 cows to prepare meat for sale. Jeny's father had also borrowed money from banks to buy more agricultural land of the family next door. They crossed cattle on an area of ​​land has been loosened. After about 6 months to 1 year, then move cows out new lands for potato harvest has been loosened again. Just like rotation, habitat and cleaner cows. And the potato plants grow very strongly. The proceeds from the sale of potatoes, Jeny family gathered to buy more cows. Finally, they had a large herd. Jeny family now becomes a famous wealthy families of the region. They keep cattle, cow business, and potato planting trees. They use a potato to eat, to retailers, wholesalers, and to feed the cows. When talking about the family potato they have an attitude of absolute respect. According to them, potato famine relief and helped them get rich! They also planted as an ornamental plant potatoes in the new luxury homes built. The family are very loved potatoes. They are also enriched by potato!
                                                                           Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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