Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vietnam psychology

      Vietnam people in general, especially the Northerners very seriously vehicles. Owning luxury cars, or bikes almost as expensive as is the dream of everyone. What are they going vehicles represent part of their class. So many people who are trying to have the luxury cars as possible. Many borrowers owed to it.

Legend of dogs

      In ancient times, when God was born human. First he created a men's version of God and named Adam. He said that Adam is a creature of the universe's greatest. But Adam was not perfect as God thinks Adam quick temper and too tough. And that was a lonely man, sad, life has no purpose and ideals Adam is like a wild horse always running around doing. God grieved. Finally after many blankets or night, God he created a woman named Eva and. God created Eve wants to withhold some disadvantages some attributes of Adam, and to make friends with Adam. God wanted Adam and Eve to be together and form a family. They will come together to create the next version, not need any more god created Adam will have to take care of a whole family, he can not go around like a wild horse anymore. He needs wiser, gentler, more clever to cover back and defend for the whole family. God feel satisfied because the two greatest creations of the universe too. You are choosing a good day to put two people down to earth to live. Staff work together Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit steal, God came to earth pursue both.

True justice, the people of Vietnam's wrong eating dogs

       Dog meat deli meats in Vietnam. One dog meat with spices such as shrimp paste, fresh, its roots, leaves apricots, fresh water, ... With different ways of processing, forming the very different dishes. Dog meat can be cooked plum wine, grilled, boiled. Special dishes and grilled dogs meticulously prepared, and its taste is delicious. Dog meat is the specialty, and are a favorite food of many people, especially the men. According to medicine, taking salty dog ​​meat, black protein is good for the human body when ingested. It helps the human spirit in comfort, nourish muscles, and is a very nutritious food. Maybe so, are humans since ancient times domesticated dogs for food for the family. According to the human life span. Humans are understood attributes of the breed. So the only people besides dogs for their meat, we take advantage of the dog to detect and hunt other animals, and called the hounds. We take advantage of the dog for keeping sheep and sheepdog called. We use dogs to detect and arrest criminals in the security industry and called the dogs. We dog as a pet in the family and against thieves called dogs. Dogs today have become friends and loyal of men. World press had reported on the dog in the United States know all calls being rescued, while its owner is located under the floor fainted. The dog in the Philippines has embarked on trucks to save a child from being hit by a car. The baby was saved, and the dog lost a large chunk of cortex was pitiful. Dog in China then fell unconscious from sheer joy when the home goes a long day. Main; Chinese government immediately launched eat dog meat ban after learning this information. So China is one of four countries in the world remaining banned eat dog eat dog. Only the people of Vietnam, Korean, and Korea still eat dog meat. But Vietnam is only the meat of the family pet. And in Korea, their dog into a farm for food. This is a great local breeds, unknown barking, and only raised for meat. And Korea is a country that is considered the world's most mysterious, so I do not know that their dog is eating what kind of dog. I only dare to assert that the Vietnam dogs still eat the dogs in the family. And most of the dogs that have been processed from poaching. Because the dog is very cute, dog owners often see dogs as best friends. It is seen as a small member of the family. Family poverty unless hardly feed dogs, the owners had sold them wiped his tears away, but not normally cruel heart to do something like that.

From the concrete drilling and cutting

       My next house was repaired and upgraded. The noise of their construction activities sometimes makes me feel very tired. Especially when they use machinery to demolish the walls. The day before they demolish a beam and make my house cracked. I was talking to the builders that they should immediately change their construction plans. Because if they continue, make sure my house is broken down. Because my house and inside the house that formerly was a house. Stories say it so simple, but in fact it is a very intense debate. Because no experience in construction, lacks the necessary machinery to demolish the concrete construction. Builders who decided that the demolition by manual methods. So it runs the risk of my house broken. Specifically, my house has appeared 3 small crevices from their jobs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


      I enjoyed magnolia tree. Because it is so wonderful plants in your home and office. Besides the effect of the air filter, it also beautifies the whole room. Magnolia trees grown in popularity in homes and offices. Even in government offices, magnolia trees are also grown. I love this plant. One day I saw a magnolia tree removal people were thrown inside a garbage dump. I must have picked up on, their leaves removed. And our bodies cut into pieces of 20 to 30 cm high and then buried in moist sand.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Sour mushroom dishes

       Perhaps everyone has known about the effects of fermented foods. In fermented foods, the nutritional value of food should not be increased more than once, but also additional lot numbers of beneficial bacteria for the digestive system, stimulates appetite. So, let in the kitchen of your family fermented foods, and eat them daily. There are many fermented foods like sauerkraut traditional fermented, pickled tomato, shrimp paste, sour meat, nem chua, ... nearly anything people eat can also be fermented to eat. We are all very interesting dishes. I'm starting to feel passionate about fermented foods. Maybe I'll turn them into a kind of food in the family in the coming days. How to ferment foods is also very simple. Today I would like to introduce to you how to make delicious mushroom dishes and interesting sour.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Things to know about potato

     Potato is one of four species of food crops grown in popularity in the world after rice, corn, and wheat. But its energy value is about 1 part 4 of this food crop species. This may be why people in the country have a habit of using the rice, corn, wheat feel hungry when eating potatoes as a main dish at dinner. It just usually eat as a snack, or as a soup for many many cuisines of the world. Which is not only in the tubers of the potato, but in many other food crops such as cassava (manioc), sweet potatoes, soybeans provide energy value is also lower than that of rice, corn, and wheat. Besides, potato tubers contain toxins.


        When I was in childhood, my mother very well buy the eggplant to the family to eat. The eggplant fruit is very popular in the countryside where I lived at the time. Because the economy is less developed then. Eggplant often people bought a coffee for melon family eat a lot of days with white rice. It is considered the food reserves in the family in distant market conditions, traffic mostly walking, and scarce types of meat.

I've become a farmer like?

      I was born and raised in a village in the plains next to the Red River. I grew up in the green of the leaves in the garden. My mother worked as a teacher, my father was a military nurse. So my family is not a family farmer. But my neighbors are traditional farmers. My mother go to work every day, I used to play with the neighbor's kid. Thus the operation of their farm engrained in my mind spontaneously. The planting, tending, and harvesting their agricultural products are very attracted my attention. I feel the love and hope of the farmers set up their agricultural crops. They work hard every day, and hope for a better tomorrow, a better place. I've loved them since when do not know, and I also dream of owning a garden to plant the trees that I love.

A pear-tree

    Yesterday my mother gave me a very big pear to eat. This is a pretty good grass and I also enjoyed. It is a fruit that I heard a lot from the fairy tales of Europe, which I had read in childhood. But due to the many warnings are pear soaked marketed and incubated with toxic chemicals stored in high concentrations. So that the pears are sold in markets at home I can put in normal conditions 3 to 4 months without seeing signs of deterioration. And pears in nature will be soft rot after 3 to 4 day after nine! So my family very limited buying this fruit to eat fruit pear for my mother yesterday was donated by another person

Wrong habits harm human health

       Health is the most precious human capital. Healthy people will have beauty, wisdom and longevity. Nearly every human life activities such as eating, drinking, sleeping, hygiene, campaigners aim health promotion. When you do not have your health, it means you do not have anything. Because when you are in poor health. Death will come and take you away at any time. Develop good habits conducive to human health is a very important job. Yet in everyday life sometimes we have bad habits that are harmful to human health. When you're young, healthy body, you will not be able to feel the great harm of it. But as you get older, your body is weaker, bad habits will greatly affect your health. Here's the bad habits you need to eliminate immediately!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Things to know about Country Dubai

    The country is located in central Dubai East, but no more oil resources as surrounding countries. Revenues from oil and gas accounted for only 7% of the total national income. Dubai's economy is mainly based on commercial, financial, real estate, and tourism. Thanks to the good geographical location, Dubai became the largest commercial centers downtown area. Dubai's port has a huge export of goods every day. The shopping malls in Dubai of the largest in the world. Dubai is a shopper's paradise. There are many goods are sold in bulk. The gold jewelry sold in stores a lot like the other commodities. But the jewelry store has been monitored by police cameras. Security of the best of Dubai World. So you can comfortably travel here without having to worry anything.

To pause

      Bathing is a normal activity in the days of people, but not everyone knows the right way to improve bathing the health and comfort of ourselves. Firstly the definition of bathing activities means we use water, or steam to wash away dead skin cells. These types of germs, bacteria, dirt on the skin so well to follow. Theoretically, activity is good for health baths. The human contact with the water body also makes them more comfortable. Because the human body is 70% water. And man when in the womb is also located in a water wrap. The reaction is natural reaction pool of infants. Underwater swimming, and playing with water is a dream of almost all the children. But improper bath will harm than good health.

The garden of my vegetables

     I own a small piece of land. I do shop front business. Behind me grow vegetables to eat every day. Because the phenomenon of contaminated vegetables protect food has become more popular in my country. Having a vegetable garden at home helped me reduce the cost of living, and there are small garden fresh vegetables for the whole family. My few hours of late afternoon watering vegetables made me feel great relaxation. The vegetables in my garden grew very fast when summer came. Perhaps because almost all of them are species of tropical vegetables. This vegetable species have selected very carefully. And so it is with every species of vegetables in the garden of my family, when I was in childhood.

Flower garden of my family

      When I was in childhood, my family live in a very beautiful garden villas. Front and sides of my house is the lush flowers all year round. The flowers in my garden is not rare flowers. But we have many kinds, each flower has its own beauty make up a beautiful flower garden. It makes me crazy watching time outside school and home schooling. Although love flowers, but I am not the flower care professional. So the flowers in the garden of my family often little more than the flowers available in the market. But maybe that's why they are better. Because they bring an extra wild beauty and idyllic. I love the flowers in the garden of my family. Almost any day, the flowers in the garden of my family showed me something new and exciting. It could be new ones erupt green sprouts. It can also be a flower bud just coins. A bud of the trees just grow lilies. Some days are a colorful butterflies flying to the garden where the flowers pollinated. Butterflies and flowers, but the two that are one, we together make up a beautiful picture of nature.

Dangerous prank with fake snake

      January 1, 2005 is the day that a lifetime of Pon, the lawyer guy reputation will ever be forgotten. It really is a pain and remorse in his lifetime. That day is also the birthday of John, his high school friend of his. John and New Pon Pon meet again after the company was invited to lawyer John in a trade dispute. They are very happy for this. On the birthday of John, he held a small party at home and invited all Pon's family to attend. John met when both were mature, Pon or recall of jokes when there are both high school students. On the occasion of the international day lying April 1 st, Pon decided to think of a joke with John with a fake snake. He had put it into the car of John. According to the plan, he would pretend to go home with the fold, his car is out of gas, so he borrowed the car of John will then casually discovered the snake.

Danger of fake snake

    The snake made of plastic imitation looks very much like real snake. It is much loved child. The parents of the kids bought it for his son to play but do not know it's a very dangerous game. They just think simply making paints and plastic snake that no hazardous substances can be supposedly safe toys for children. In fact, the so childish play with fake snake is extremely dangerous for children. It reduces very strong defensive reaction of the children to meet real snake. There are many children did not distinguish between truth and snake snake author. Hence, it could hold the snake began as a toy truth. So certainly it would be attacked because the snake really.


    The snake is an animal familiar worldwide. It distributed everywhere, from tropical, temperate to tropical welding. It has in the lowland, midland and mountainous. It lives in the cave, the cave of land, or in the bushes. It can live in the humid primeval forests, or in the arid desert in World

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Once bitten

      Day I was a kid, there was a time he rejected them my son home from the south of the country to play. He rejected their house my children my age, so we were playing happily in the garden of my family. He's a strong man and boldness not shy and always afraid of things like me. His voice was barely audible voice, but instead it made me have a very special attention. I am so precious to him. That is probably one of the first boys that I'm aware of being born. He's very special. When we play together in clusters in port pandanus, he shouted: snake, snake, snake! I do not think he was talking about the snake. By a strange accent of his syllables. With sticks until he slammed into pineapple bushes. I think he was joking as in dust pineapple snake. I also took a stick and hit the pineapple bushes shouted: snake, snake! I just do that just laughing because I thought it was a game. But when a big black snake crawled out, I absolutely terrified. I cried and called her mother to let go staff fled. But my legs were weakened because of fear. I can not move, but burst into tears. My cousin also were courageous and far more powerful. He courageously and bravely attacked the snake. He tried to stop it attacking me. Then his father rushed to help kill the snake. It was a very big king cobra. My family fear anybody. Because snakes that can attack people in my family at any time.

Rice flowering season

        In childhood days, I have lived in the house her grandmother for a while. Near her house there Hai Ba Trung Temple. Next to the temple is an ancient two rice crops enormous. No one knows exactly guess its age. But the biologists estimate that rice plants have aged 500 to 700 years. Rice tall trees and majestic horns. It is the highlight deep in the hearts of the children of Thach Da when they are away from home. When spring comes, flowers bloom rice sky as flames. Because it is a huge rice plants. The fire caused by burning rice flowers brighten up a corner of the sky. Rice is very beautiful flowers in the eyes of our children. It's huge and there are so thick flank. The colors are bright. Heard that it is edible. Unfortunately I have never been tasted. Because every time a gust of wind to make some rice falling flowers. The children there are cowherd rushed to pick up. We shared the food pieces of rice flower and laughing very happy. They are boys. There are many kids with nearby rice plants. I live quite far away, the rice plants. So I did not get a chance to pick up the flowers to eat rice. With the pick up something to eat on earth do my pride hurt.

Green viper

    In biology at school, my teacher said that the species of green viper. That's poisonous snakes filter most dangerous in the world. Until now, scientists have not yet found an antidote. People who have it bitten almost all died. It distributed more in the tropics. It lives in the trees. And it is green like the leaf color to adapt to living conditions. Scary thing is that it has quite a lot in my country. It grow and thrive in the pristine forests, or in the northern mountainous provinces. I heard that very fear. Since then every time sapodilla tree climb doorstep I play, I always pay close attention and vigilance. Because who knows where it has a green viper hidden occupancy. I do not know the exact shape of snakes. But it is blue!

Get married

      More than thirty years I have lived alone. My old friends meet again, the first question they ask me is: I got married yet? It seems to take my husband or not be a major concern of my friends. And do not get married is a reprehensible thing. That was a bad thing in the eyes of many people. An older woman, but who remained celibate life was tied to the bad habits in life. They said that the woman had many vices and new is not good, not married. In a society increasingly outdated notions like becomes heavy.

I need to try

     Again I failed! I told myself to keep trying to. I like a serpent's tail is too long. So, I was biting into his own tail worn during the rise. I've been hurt. I failed. The whole system of my projects has been shattered. Maybe I need to start over completely. The first is that I need a new computer. Because the IP address of the machine was placed on the blacklist of the social network Twitter. It will be very difficult, so I'll try to get a new smartphone. This is quite amazing. Life still continues, despite my failure how big. Now I have nothing in their hands at all. Therefore, I should really try in life. I could only try to move forward alone! I wanted to cry but could not cry. I will do to live in the coming days? I'm thinking about it.

Lessons from snake

       There is a very beautiful snake and healthy. It looks very brave. Its standalone filter is a champion with the other animals. It prides itself on it. It said that it deserved to be lord of the world. Who should see it and shun terror. So it is becoming increasingly arrogant and cocky. It said that other animals are scared and submissive must respect it. It does not have to learn to develop their minds. Because the snake that it inherently very smart and full of guts to win all the other animals.

I'll build a stairway

     I'm looking to build a staircase leading to the roof of my house. Because of my one-story house previously built stairs to the roof. So both a space on my roof vacant wasteful. I can turn my roof into a great deck. I can also grow many vegetables on it. But the roof by ladder climb as today is very difficult. So I'm planning to make a concrete staircase leads to the roof to make sure.

Gac tree

     When I was younger, in a corner of my garden with ancient trees Gac. Gac trees that were planted by the previous owner of the land where my parents bought. Its body up to 20 cm in diameter. When the weather warms up, the young shoots of trees grow very much Gac. They cling to a fence, bamboo trees, and even the roof of the pig. My mother did not like that tree, for almost a year my family only about two times to cook away. That it is full of all kinds grow other crops. Gac fruit and look very nice and fancy. The kids in the neighborhood had stole them, so my mother was not happy. My mother had repeatedly cut tree damage beet root. But when spring comes, the blue ones of the tree early mần Gac Rises .ra its root grows in between the bamboo, so I could not help my mother peach trees that Gac. Gac trees still lush garden a corner of my family when summer came. About 20 years ago, Gac is an almost wild species. It is not growing and selling it. So many bright red as a beet a corner of the garden, not eating out, my mother picked them brought to the neighbors and relatives. As for my family, almost any meal also Gac. Instead of bringing the red ripe Gac sticky rice cooked with sticky rice dish made up of a beet. My mother told me glutinous rice and cook them with daily food.

Raise the floor in the building

      In recent years, the climate seems to be changing. Air damp and mildew many more. That may be due to the speed of urbanization in the countryside where I live is very high. The atmosphere was increasingly contaminated. Therefore, to have a dry space for the whole family lived. Many families in my hometown elevation of the house up. In the building where I live, there are three families currently renting builders raise the floor. They are your family. Moreover, the house built in the style of 15 years ago often have ceiling height of about 3.5 to 4 m. So, if the floor to about 0.5 meters high, it does not affect the height of the room. And the whole family will have a new space, clean, and dry. Costs for activities nor small elevation.

How to effectively educate children

       To educate children, the best way is to set an example. Because children have a very strong tendency is to act according to their parents and the people around them. All around the world are infected files into the soul of an unconscious child. Many fathers, mothers in childbirth, they considered their children's world. They sacrificed all his personal happiness for the children. They do not care, nothing to help their parents, so it is with the child's grandparents. They do not know that they are teaching the kids the way we treat them, as they become more frail aged. Despite how much they can say good word for children. But the expression of their will in fact deeply rooted in the subconscious of the child. It became the soul and personality of the child.

I'm sleepy

So tired, a long day with a lot of passing emotions. Now I just want to go to sleep. Recently my circadian rhythm is quite good. My job also seemed very nice. Yet recently it encounters a very serious incident. This makes me very nervous. I wish I did not do stupid things to my Twitter account is locked so. But because this is life. So there may be a lot more difficulties on the path to reach my success. Because success is a reward for those who really have bravery. So these failures are challenged my courage. I will pass it strongly.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


      I remember in an interview by a Western journalist to a Japanese man, the cause of the phenomenal growth of Japan after World War II. Japanese people do not say much about the objective reasons and subjective results that, he just modestly says: Water Japan is a failure, the road we did not dare look up, but only bowed bone. That's why we've seen a lot of things that others dropped, we've picked them and become rich!


      I was a failure in life. My progress is very small compared to those around them. Maybe so, but recently I look down a lot more. I do not look at the face of the porters who pass through my store. I look at their feet. And you know what, I've discovered the footsteps of every person reflects vivid, true to the mood and human life. Looking at the legs of a man, I can guess their life happy or not happy. Those with poor life also clearly manifested in their legs. These steps do not like porters on hand to people can adjust their manifestations. It expresses the mood and dynamic inh life of every person.

The role of women to society

      The woman should be loved. A society is considered developed, civilized when the women are respected. A man is considered decent when not using violence against women. Born a woman, the woman has suffered a lot of the disadvantaged in society already. They have to carry the burden of childbirth to maintain the breed for all mankind. With a state of weakness, a somewhat inferior intellectual men, women face many difficulties in the social competition with men. The Creator gave birth to them in a weaker position than men, so in many cultures since ancient times, the woman always came in after the man.

Young said a clip sent students to fight

       I just watched a clip worth of students each posted on facebook. I feel very sad and scared with the students today. The children of the same age, though, the same class, but they have their family situation is very different. So sometimes the normal expression of this is not acceptable in the other person. Some young people have prominent muscle strength than peers have relied on it to offend other people's body. This is completely wrong. I can not accept the violence like that. Because the level of violence in the student fight clips posted on the Internet has a lot of levels to be unacceptable. I've seen the criminal elements in it. I also feel anxious sadness for the family, the school where in this clip? The other students watched or videotaped phone that does not prevent it. So their sense of community where? Perhaps the very heart of man in society is starting school soon. It is time for educators to take strong measures to improve this situation.

My love

      In recent days I find really miss Tom, he shared with my classmates in high school. My dream is to see you again Tom. Now he does not know how? We were separated from the first year of secondary school level is not. Then my family and the family of Tom are experiencing major incidents as both were deeply hurt. We've lost the line between life full of passion and temptation. Overcoming a long way full of hardships. Brave throw away everything of themselves wrong, throw away all the things which do not belong to ourselves. I returned as myself. And I miss Tom dearly. Now he does not know how his life was, everything with him any good. And if we have a chance to be together?

Tree spinach

   Tree spinach is a vegetable grown in popularity in my country. Because it is a tropical plant and subtropics. When summer comes, the trees grow very fast spinach. Its vitality is very strong. Just planting and good care is about 1.5 m2 have enough spinach to eat for the whole family. Tree spinach is a strange species of its ability to adapt very high. It is a semi-aquatic species. One can plant it on dry or submerged. In warm and sunny weather conditions and is more nutritious. Tree spinach very strong growth. How about one day may be able to pick spinach to eat. In winter, when the ambient temperature is low. Morning glory tree is not dead, but it almost does not develop.

Summer should be planted spinach

       Summer has arrived. The more rain, with more water. Environmental background of higher temperatures. Today the street people began to wear cool costumes of summer. People began to prefer the street to enjoy the fresh air and more airy. The trees in the lush garden started. They fanned out to meet the broad leaf sunlight and rainwater. Some species germinate summer began and flourished. I love summer. And to have an interesting summer, I decided to plant spinach in about land or still flooded in the summer in my garden. This is the advantage of living space, and I'm very expectation on the amount of vegetables that I will get after planting. I'm dreaming about being able to sell them. Or at least I'll have enough vegetables and eating mother comfortable in the summer.

I planted spinach

     I have a small area in the garden, every summer it's nice to be flooded. So choosing a suitable tree species for land around it is very difficult. Summer last year, about the land which was covered by the shade of the trees acne. From the end of spring, I plant horizontal tight acne, and only have a few left twigs. So this plot inert under the sun the early days this summer. So I decided to plant spinach in place of that land. Spinach capital of the semi-aquatic species. So it's still strong growth when it flooded ground or dried.

Monday, April 11, 2016

What to invest 400 million?

    If you now have 400 million what would you do? As for me, if now I have 400 million I do not know what to do to make great profits. Usually the people of my home when there is a large sum of money in hand, they are often used to build a beautiful and big house. They did this so that people have to respect them. Many people also take a loan to build a house to. As for me, I'm a person who always think about the economy. If there are 400 million, I certainly would not build a house. Because that amount is still very small compared to a big beautiful house. If I build a house, I will not be a penny to spend. Besides my current house is still used! Thursday I was wanted was to invest that money into something to bring high profits!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Mortar for construction quality

      Old time scientists did not develop as now. Meanwhile rare cement or may not have. Because all the houses are built in my hometown with lime and sand. Since quality is a combination of lime mortar and sand are not high. Should construction workers are often very good at trying to increase the reliability of this mortar. They may be turning plenty of time to lime and sand mortar mix into each other is very fine. These families have more money, they use concentrated salt water as a solvent to mix lime and sand. So the quality of the mortar in the building was rising very high. The house was built by good mortar usually very durable and beautiful. Building walls ancient tradition of my country is not harsh outside.


      My hometown is Thach Da, Me Linh District, Hanoi. My village has built popular profession for so many years. The builders of the village people in the capital are evaluated throughout northern and skilled craftsmen. Because they have grown up through the building. Lifestyle of a rural village with the construction profession ingrained in their blood. So young people growing up in the village itself is a construction worker said. Then they follow the team everywhere builders building up of new projects. Construction demand in the economy with the fastest growth rate in the world as my country is always very high. So the builders in my hometown always high income and relatively stable.

I will build a house

     My house is cracked four corners are living in attic. I do not want to try to fix it, I want to build another house on my land. My expected construction will end suffering land. The house is about seven stories high. Each system has a self-contained toilet. This is very important in daily life among the members of a family.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Teak trees

    Summer has come true already. Teak trees in front of my shop was covered with a blue. Its foliage is broad, covering the whole roof. Teak trees that grow quickly, my sister just planted it not been for 10 years, so that now it big as a tree. Many people in the neighborhood surprise and delight her with teak trees. I also loved his teak trees. It really is a very beautiful tree, it reincarnation on the weather, so I have to enjoy the full flavor of the season of the year.

Wonderful Life

      An important holiday of the year has to go through in the tedious and sad. I'm wondering, do not know since I did not have a life true meaning of life! My life was being narrowed margins to the maximum life because I had to cut spending. The whole time and my money were poured into an investment project that I myself was not known ever to succeed. Sometimes I feel so nervous when I think about my future. Then my life will be like when that little amount I left is running out? I need to do to live well and continue to implement the project of my dreams? Knowing how big question kept playing in my mind. Then I had to forget all. I try to spend at their lowest. I also try to work more efficiently. For me, I live one day more mercy when the bag is still money is a blessing!


     Hometown is the most wonderful place in the heart of every human being. But for a living, because of the burning desire to make money in every human heart, has a lot of people to flee from their homeland. Some people were forced to migrate completely. Then nostalgia is always anxious in the heart of every person. On the sad, the sick, the elderly, their hearts toward their homeland only. Sometimes people leave could not understand why they have to leave their homeland, and what they had been in the place of others hometown like this? Life was really happy? As part of their soul always home, part of their soul is always trying to adapt to life now? So that they do not like a person actually belongs to a certain place. They always lived with a half heart.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

At trial court

Day the trial opened, Jenny must take 4 subjects at school. She may regret not attend the trial. She also thanks the young teacher, no wife has ever taught its economic laws to help Tom in this incident. In addition to being a lecturer with a doctorate and is the dean of the law department at the University of Commerce.

The case in the village

Jerry is an orphaned girl announced. Her mother raising four children alone, so hard so she adopted her grandmother helped Jeny some time. These days living at Grandma's life more miserable Jeny still living at home with his mother very much. But her mother and grandmother are determined not to return home Jeny. This makes jeny very upset. A beautiful day on the way back from school, Jeny met Tom!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Marriage of Jeny

      Shortly after the wedding, the family gave the couple Jonh Jeny own lives in a large villa, very luxurious. Jeny money the couple made shall be arbitrarily used for personal expenses. And all the subsistence of his family are due Jeny John's parents spent. Jeny says everyone happy. Everybody thought Jeny very happy. The first time was like living the dream, Jeny also feel very satisfied and proud But when night came, she missed Tom. He always respects and loves her, even if she was wrong. And John, on the other, he began to serve his Jeny completely unconditional way. From day to marry, John drink more. In the drunk you keep calling her former lover will be no end. By this time Jeny began Jonh shattered dream has now completely lost the look pompous, old gentle she ever dreamed. He's just a guy from alcoholism, and have extremely weak physically. He was used to being selfish and serve everything family, always angry for not being well served Jeny. He still loves and take care of everything for her former lover, even if they were married.

Love Tom and Jerry

      Jerry is an extremely beautiful girl and very intelligent. Her father is the principal of the high school where she studied. She is studying at prestigious universities in the country. She is the pride of her parents and her relatives. Around her have a lot of good boys fell in love. But Jeny just love and friendship with Tom, his friend Jeny inclusive schooling after high school couple. Tom loves Jeny, but Tom's family was very poor. Tom's father died when Tom was a boy, the mother of Tom foot deformities should be very difficult to move. Tom grew up in the military decided to learn. Because the field of security training and education shall be free of fees, when the school division to be government jobs. Also from entering the military, Tom and Jeny little time together, because both their undergraduate school apart. They crave and expect the Saturday evening to be met. As time goes by, a friend of both Tom and Jeny are convinced that the two of them just graduated from college was going to marry. Many people admired the sweet love, their passion. But in the hearts of Jeny had other thoughts. She was aware of the beauty and talent of itself. She and her family are keen to marry a rich boy than Tom. The salary of a soldier like Tom is not high. And he will have to live away from home often can not care, back cover, protect Jeny every day. He also can not afford to apply for a job for Jeny when graduating from college. Although he promised to feed the whole family if she did not get a job.