Saturday, May 7, 2016

I also will travel

      Some holidays soon passed. I see my friends traveling shots showing around a lot. I was left alone in a mountain submerged work. Much work remains to be done, there are many difficulties to overcome. What do I have to quickly succeed? I'm really longing for success Fortunately that my work also solves another important part. I decided to take a trip to rest for support inferior friends. Where I intend to travel in the city of New York is American. I was feeling restless. This is the kind of city development in America's number one. Heard this is a large financial center of the United States. And a lot of people around the world still confused New York is the capital of the United States. Actually, the new city of Washington DC is the capital of the United States.

      My knowledge about New York City is very few. I just heard it is the economic center and largest US financial. It is also the most populous city and people have very high per capita income. In New York income 500 000 USD a year is still considered poor. And New York City is also home to many of the country most billionaires. No doubt, New York is a great city. And sure I will have a very interesting trip here. My flight started in the early afternoon tomorrow. So I need to prepare something for this trip. Food, beverages, clothing in New York certainly will be a lot. I do not bring baggage to their heavier. With me living in Hanoi, Vietnam. My costume did not fit to make people in New York, United States. So I just bring a suit in a backpack and in person only. I will wear short jeans, and shirts, thick sports travel. Because I travel, so I'm going to walk a lot. My outfit that would make me more comfortable and confident. I will bring a few drugs. Because my health is not good. I might get sick in America. My English is not good, the middle of a strange city, I know where to buy drugs? I am also preparing dictionaries, maps, and the phone number needed in the event of an emergency. Finally, I recharge my Visa card so. The rest of the trip, the travel company has run out for me. And now I just rested for tomorrow will be fit to make a long flight. Distant America, where is the promised land of so many people worldwide. Away from where I was exactly half way around the world. I also heard a lot about the United States. This is a wonderful country. I believe America will forever stand No. 1 in the world. I love America. I wish to build a good relationship with the business of the United States on this trip. For then I will have the opportunity to work with the Americans. I enjoyed working and their way of life. They are very professional, straightforward, and very respectful. It's great to think only of tomorrow, I will be setting foot on America, to breathe the atmosphere of the country, and eat the food of the American people. I also visit the famous tourist destinations of the country. I liked America. Maybe I will seriously consider the ability to settle in the United States!
                                                                   Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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