Saturday, May 7, 2016

Construction worker,

      My sister's house on the side of my house is under construction and repairs. So I had the opportunity to observe people working builders. In the countryside where I live has made traditional building craft. Construction workers work in my village to build popularity in the northern provinces of the country. I grew up in this place, so it is no stranger to construction activities. As a teenager, I used to really like the construction activities. But being a girl, I decided to study accounting industry. After years of going to school away from home, now I witness firsthand the work of the builders. It truly is the work that not everyone can do. Construction workers must have a very good health. The work of construction workers very hard and heavy. They are at risk for occupational accidents is very high. That labor accidents in construction activity is quite serious. The heavy loss of life here, or handicapped, or is in the hospital for several days. Environmental work in the construction site with highly contaminated properties. Construction dust is harmful to human lungs. Conditions drinking water while construction is very limited. So many builders in my hometown with kidney disease after a period of construction worker. Toilets for construction workers is also very limited. So the builders struggled and more miserable.

      Employee per day looking at them I knew the builders always tradeoffs sweat and risking their lives to get the money. The money they make is always imbued with the sweat and nostalgia, remembering the family. They have left a lot of responsibility to the family, the children on the shoulders of his wife's tiny. Although my hometown famous rich in both Red River Delta region through construction business. But who knew that behind his wealth, behind the luxury villa with full amenities that they risked a lot more. The profession also know the difficulties and hard work of its own. There is no job that one can enjoy the pleasure, happy 100% of the whole. Only thing, each person needs to understand themselves. Knows he wants to do something, can do something, and there are conditions to do a good job, then we choose to pursue that profession. And age to early career training, ranging from 11 to 13 years old. Therefore, parents and young people think twice about what profession to pursue in life. Since then there are useful action to become a good workers in their chosen profession. Occupation is a very important thing in the life of every person. Because at least everyone will work with the job in 8 hours per day, and about 30 years of his life. Occupation also is what makes the money to build the material and spiritual life for everyone. If we have a good career, have a high income. Then our lives and our families are very comfortable and happy. Be a good worker, but his career was involved! If the job without having to try and sweat and effort, it's not work anymore. It's a game. And no one will pay for it our game at all! These currencies are converted through the efforts of our employees are we cherish and protect. So it will be sustainable. The money that people get with unrighteous path, then we are also quickly being profligate spending by illegal roads. No profession is more noble profession at all. Already a true labor of society, then we should cherish, love flavor, and help them!
                                                                    Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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