Sunday, March 27, 2016

Building good relationships

    Many times we thought someone was kind to us. Because they were always polite. They do not hurt us. They always appear cheerful and nice to us. Actually, more like the relationship, the more we have to look carefully. For a good relationship or not, have to develop it to the next level or not. Let's look back at the entire history of that relationship. For those who have many previous conflicts, we should not build a close relationship with them. Because maybe they are getting closer to us to find an opportunity to harm us.
Acquainted with new people. No depth of affection and mutual understanding. We also should not close with them. Because maybe they are bad people. Still known to this world, good people still more bad people. But if they are a bad person, but we are close to them, it really is a big disaster for you. Be careful, it will be a lot better. Good people and bad people are sometimes very similar. Because people usually tries to look bad is good. Sometimes they lie and also theater convincing than good ones. So let's set a limit to friendship. With some types of high-risk individuals become bad people are not educated as kind, humble background, growing up in the environment is not good, they often hang out with people who are not good, unemployment, substance addiction stimulation ... the better we should avoid or should be careful when handling them. A beautiful flower only when well cared for and always have enough sunlight. A man with the most beautiful personality must be nourished from the good things in life. For a relationship has really nice or not. Let felt with the heart, to look with brains. Let's think about how, in the person we have become a better, more moral and dignity or not? We get the benefit and harm of that relationship? Conflicts between people of different exclusionary or not? And above all, we really love and cherish that relationship not? Without the sincere feelings, the better we should end that relationship as soon as possible. Without its consequences will be very heavy!
                                                                                          Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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