Wednesday, December 9, 2015

All errors are in children

      Honey! This spring he has come back to me? Hay was not until the winter of next year he came back with you? How long did he? Following his 5 years of separation. I'm still waiting for him. Rather, I still love you should not be able to reach everyone. And in this world no one is good as him! You're my life. Without you, all my life covering up a dark color. Why do it? Why do I like this far apart? He now like? His life like? Sometimes I will forever never see each other again? I'm convention enters in his arms, to feel this winter warmer! Miss you so much!

       Life is why there is much wrong. Took then I met you, again forcing us to far apart. Maybe you should throw away all the romantic folly of youth. I need to return with the children, returning with truly original part of his people! I was wrong when on the same path to the winds and clouds. Life is reality, happiness is made up of food and drinking water daily. The people you play with, who you really are exposed as human beings and reach what they live and are shown. And love from deep inside just emotions and dreams. Because in life now where have you achieved it? All is in you! You would need to live true to myself, and then upgrade that to life. Yet they have only lived by thought, I've only lived with the dream. I did not try to solve the immediate problem. I only live in dreams and believe in the miracles will come with me. How did my life was wrong, and that is probably the reason why they got away from him! Because real life, I'm not live like what you truly desire. So how can you live with a man I really love? In fact no miracle happened. The power of love may seem large, but it can not change a person completely. It does not change the life of anyone at all. When asked who is always himself, always facing all of his real life. So, if your life is not in fact the most advanced form, then please do not dreamed of living next to the true love of his life. Please raise your living standards, before thinking about love. So if you are with someone you actually love it, but your life is too hard, your living standards are too low, then that love will quickly dissolve and disappear from your life. Perhaps my love for him as such. Excuse me, my love! Just because you are not good, just because my life still have too much difficulty. But we were forced to be apart. All error is in you! So no matter what you did, and how, then, are not eligible to reproach him. Looking back from the beginning of my love for him. You're so stupid, and so absurd anymore. And this he can not accept floating it with reason. Because our life is too different from each other, our love has fallen into misfortune. I was trying to grow, trying to master my life completely. Try to upgrade your life. As you know, that's the only way to have a date, I'll be with you! I will wait for him for another year, and could be waiting for him in his lifetime. His promise to the old days on the river with me still just like yesterday! Go back to your side me? I'm trying very hard to change his life already! Do not let me live in solitude like this!
                                                                                       Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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