Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sea soul I always make great relaxation

     Come on, my! I need to improve their performance. For my project will succeed when put into practice. Just over one week from now, maybe my life would turn into a new chapter. Attempts to my work will be rewarded. I will become a successful person in life. Therefore, I will have the confidence to seek the happiness of my life. Despite more than a week my project fails. It still does not matter, I'll do it again, I will amend and supplement as required by the partners to ever succeed alone. Since this is the only job I can do better this time. It is perfectly suited to the conditions and my circumstances. Oh, my life will become so bad that, if my project will not succeed?

       Seeing my friends happy, full and happy. Sometimes I feel sad too. Never I think they were lagging behind more to this friend anywhere. Maybe I went the wrong way then? But even though I try to do it again and no longer keep up. All live well in my circumstances have too many misfortunes. Okay, now I'm trying to turn their misfortune into raw material to make up happiness and success for themselves.
        Only 1 week left until the day Trung Thu. This autumn I promise with snacks, fun. I could only try in the job. When my job successfully. My life will be celebrated parties. I'm just trying to delay the enjoyment of his happiness. Because I want it to be raised to multiple sequels. And the rest of my life I will live fully in the happiness, joy.
       When you have money, maybe where I want to especially sea. Sea soul I always make great relaxation. Though I never once set foot in the ocean. Perhaps the shadow of my heart is there. And I would go there to embrace the happiness of my life. I had slow feet with happy so long. Now I'm really crave it. I need to let go of the things make me unhappy. I need to leave everything made me sad. I need to live a life of my own, just me alone. I do not care what other people want, thinking. Just me happy, happy is enough.
                                                                                     Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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