Friday, August 14, 2015

The best way to forget her former lover

       In this life, if everything was straight. If 1 + 1 always = 2, then every person's life would have no crook. Then we will never feel remorse, sorrow and nostalgia. But the essence of life is like, we always dialectical negation things of today, to step up to tomorrow. And when we're not maintaining alertness? Therefore, we have made mistakes, we must regret and sorrow for what he did. Something we let go, where not always receive back something. So we fell into the loss and damage.

        In everything in life suffering, suffering is the greatest love. When his lost true love, the one you did for so many physically and mentally. People only want to seek death. They feel unable to live without each other! He may be accidentally or intentionally, but has become the soul and personality of you from when. So how can we forget the old lover here? Because of everything lost in life, lost love is the loss that we have the most difficult to regain. One could live a lifetime and still love each other, but will forever will no longer belong together, live together anymore.
       If we remain our own people that tried to forget him. There is another sort of us are looking for ways to forget myself and self paralyze yourself? That you do so, you are only destroying the lives of yourself. You're self-restraint and self-harm. You're self-destruction not only myself, but also outlines a wrong path to go to the unhappiness and failure. The so your life will not be achieved significant accomplishments, when you do not get that yourself. Everything you build on things that do not really belong to the heart of you, just as white children on beach sand se only. Then one day everything would turn into the figure 0!
        The best way to take your mind off your ex-lover is let progress. Please developing his intellectual personality and older improve. Turn yourself into a new person. Let's open our hearts and our intellect. And empathy with her former lover was only a friendship level only. When you become a new person, you have the right to have a new and better lovers. Even, you can no longer love her former lover. Because the two of you have become quite different. And you've taken a step in the social ladder, because all progress and change your nice. In doing so, as you have made the suffering, the loss due to a lost lover powerful impetus to progress, succeed. Therefore, you deserve a lot of happiness.
                                                                                             Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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