Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tales of yore

These recollections and memories in the hearts of each person is always shimmering shine thanks be put on the shirt the color of time. The memories of childhood years in a small garden with lots of fruit trees of the family are always the most beautiful memories in her mind.

She grew up in a poor rural area. Her father died early. Her daughters also fit in a house near the field.
Hun inlet winter. In summer, the rain leaking scattered market. At home she had no man, the tall roof protruding nobody to help. Her childhood hardships a living thing, rice money. Her garden is quite large. And many fruits. And the object of thefts classifieds. She used to design a system of trap rock, husband, rifle crossbow buckle ... called "continuous trap" to trap a bear named first youth in the neighborhood. Season he also washed her home mango tree. Not leaving any mother and daughter. By the time her mother is tired and wants to cut it off. One time she ran under demanding he return the mango. They hiss again with him for a slap. And he's been insulted because someone did not like the mango? He also threatened that the next time, but that would blow her gorge. Think spokes memories in my heart. She once she caught him red-handed stick picking mangoes theft, but he stout. When run from her garden, then turned his head to scold her mouth all outdoors. She was a little girl whispered to 9! She must put a guilty state of this theft. Because she wants to retain a large mango tree. It and many other plants in the garden that she always felt like a princess in a fairytale forest. She is very loving and very delighted to see the mango blossoms brightly. And even the young leaves purple buds bunches of it anymore.
So she designed a "continuous trap" to force aggressive thieves did not dare go back there again. She observed trails passing thief. And design traps set in stone above the tops of bamboo. Since she can not carry large boulders climb like on film. So she brought to every small park up pretty high so that their weight significantly older and not discovered thieves. This is called "hail". She put them on a cross hung on a tree spathe. A bamboo input, one end tied to the line. Line tied to a rope. The long drop cord to the corner, where she will perform combat. Just her pull-wire, upon a stone will fall down into a ball, "hail". Where she sat soup also prepare a stick and many small stones that can "cloak" thieves and ammunition for a gun crossbow buckle she still needs to make in his hand.
Components also sung crossbows simple cardigan. They consist of two equal segments rubberband, each first elastic band tied to a surprise party of a tree-shaped pawl Y. The other end of the elastic band is connected to the sides of a rectangular piece of cowhide. The stone will be placed on hold this piece of cowhide, called bullet. When they are pulled backwards and let go of the power is increased. However, emergency situations can not be used to fire power that can throw even faster. So she prepared ammunition for both tasks. She prepared a few fragments of bottles plug a glass fence around the area where she sat precautions reckless thieves attack her. Along the way we go You're her husband with sharp bamboo thorns, prepare the area of ​​thorn tree plug, which inevitably places thieves will go on.
Finished, she sat in the shelter spy thief. When she saw his legs pangolins are enormous thieves appear. Hiding her chest pounded. He was eager to escape the swarm her an extremely familiar. She quietly left the site fill out a weekly anti-government with bamboo spikes down the base and the way of him as he walked back into place and then filled. She had attacked him unexpectedly and then his head new government did not dare go back to stealing.
She was seated for a moment, then paddle down the thief. T-shirt plugged into his pants swollen the mango is a mango. As he jumped down to the ground, then jumped right into a thorn she plugged.
- Ai! He grimaced in pain and cried.
- She stood up from the seat occupancy, shouting caught him stealing mangoes your house later. Tang blatant, wise soul, then returned after mango and not come back again, I would steal spare.
- The thief stood up ferocious say: I do not return, then you do get me? Rascal, lie that ... He's going to hit her again. She feared too closely to harness fire crossbow gun twice in his body immediately.
- He cried: My God! This child, you have prepared in advance. He drew a ferocious manner.
- She quickly picked handfuls of rocks hurled at him.
Seeing famous noisy quarrel, he was afraid to see that people see him shove caught with a pile of mangoes on people like this, then shame really. So he just ferocious face she barked: This time I forgive, ... rascal! Does the soul there! Amber makes her optimistic spirit of fear flying!
But he was two steps out the non-sticky trap spines, called affinity pain. This time he runs fast, and mango-filled belly up somewhat clumsy. Gai seems stabbed deep into his leg. He plopped down on the ground to remove the thorn in the foot again: Ouch ... He sat on a thorn!
I stood there, not stop laughing, laughing ha ha seeing him being trapped roar pain.
- Can I set a trap to bring him down, he got up to me to assess progress on the site, I pull strings, stones falling from the tree. Heart of stone trap is where he sat. So he sticks a full match "hail" of me making beats flying optimistic soul. Who lives gravel again falling from the sky?
- I call the Volunteer sticks and run away he gave him some stick for worthwhile hate thief to liver, blatantly aggressive and daylight face. Then he knelt substandard plead for his life. And only he knows where no traps to him about. Since then he promised not dare to steal anymore.
- Seeing me hesitate, he threw off the belly shirt return the freshly picked mangoes.
- Seeing that he seems honest, I just can not trap him exit thorns, but also all gone. If I'm not saying he is only one more step further thorns only.
Get out of my garden. He finished back and ferocious spirit back to give me a match and snatch back the mangoes he just flowed theft. I'm scared, run away gravel backfill throw him but as beasts blood drunk, he still crazy hand, gave me a crazy legs fresh. But alas! Ai ... his bare feet stepped on glass full jack up on the ground around where I stood. This time his blood was shed! The cut in his leg seemed wide and deep. I do not laugh anymore for fear and for no longer trap any more. He pears two of his injured leg out of my garden. And no longer dare to steal back again.

Mango season that year my whole family to be fed mango. Mangoes ripe fragrant sweet aroma radiating out both the house made me very excited.
Time passed, she became college students away from home. Having once visited the house after the months plying the amphitheater where homework. Wandering on unfamiliar roads and breathe the air of his homeland. She was startled to hear the horn repeatedly at police motorcycles behind. When I returned she was startled and alarmed at seeing this name in any young goose wearing shirts pitch black aggressive image, arms rippling muscles and tires bear the bizarre shapes and a huge inscription running along the arm: Thanksgiving to resentment pay! He faces at her and deliberately cruel to her letters were visible on his hand as her face ashen brow. Then he grinned a fairly gentle, now she knows her obnoxious young man to have beautiful white teeth so shiny. He said I had no way out for him to avoid the error is gone and bounds ahead darting her legs still trembling heartbeat! Now he has become a big and strong he commune police. And she became an entrepreneur. Sometimes she met him in the street or village committees themselves feel embarrassed threshold. But ignored, she was her only. And she kept doing their duty properly. She found very strange time. It can turn a hundred the thousand names specializing think pilfer-to go into the police. And a girl who just love the trees and the animals into a business. And a person is not bad today and forever will be bad anywhere. Now he was the protector of the people kind and honest as she was over there.

                                                                     Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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