Saturday, April 16, 2016

Wrong habits harm human health

       Health is the most precious human capital. Healthy people will have beauty, wisdom and longevity. Nearly every human life activities such as eating, drinking, sleeping, hygiene, campaigners aim health promotion. When you do not have your health, it means you do not have anything. Because when you are in poor health. Death will come and take you away at any time. Develop good habits conducive to human health is a very important job. Yet in everyday life sometimes we have bad habits that are harmful to human health. When you're young, healthy body, you will not be able to feel the great harm of it. But as you get older, your body is weaker, bad habits will greatly affect your health. Here's the bad habits you need to eliminate immediately!

       The first is that you eat too many tomatoes. This seems to be very ridiculous. Because tomatoes contain a lot of vitamins and minerals good for human health. This is considered as a popular fruit and vegetables worldwide. But that is for the tomatoes. In green tomatoes have a lot of toxins harm the human nervous system. What do you take to ensure that you eat a tomato is cooked completely? You have the means to ensure toxins in tomatoes that you use to cooking for the whole family, has completely been eliminated? Tomatoes toxins paralyze the nervous system of the human good. It makes human confusion and memory loss. So people eat this poison will not be felt immediately. But over time, this will make the whole operation disorders of your body alive. We can eat tomatoes really thoroughly. And best not to eat too much of them.
       The second is to eat too many potatoes. You see irrational or not, when the potato is one of four species of the most common food crop in the world. Yet I advise you not to eat too many potatoes? My reason is very simple, nothing to make sure you get the potatoes you eat are not altered to blue, then sprout? A normal potato harvest just to be around for several weeks, then it will turn green to sprout. Themselves in each potato has had a similar amount of toxins in blue and tomatoes. In the blue skin of the potato is about to sprout, the amount of this element can be increased 10-fold. This is very harmful to humans when they eat. Themselves who sell potatoes and deliberately ignore the harmful effects of potato sprout because profit targets. They quietly broken off the tree sprouted potatoes, potatoes and sold to customers. We only buy and eat up the potatoes immediately after harvest in about 3 weeks.
        The third is to use too much of tubers such as potatoes and cassava as a staple food in the diet. There are a few people think that eating sweet potato, cassava for better nutrition to eat rice, corn, wheat? This is a very serious mistake. We should just eat the potato as a snack, or as a kind of soup. According to the study by the scientists, the amount of energy per kg of rice and corn is about 1500, of 1 kg of wheat is around 1200, also in potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, only about 300. The amount of energy were higher in cassava tubers, it was about 600. But in cassava is poisonous Hcl acid. Some people die from poisoning the world cassava standing No. 2 in the case of death due to food poisoning. So the reason we do not eat rice, corn, wheat, potato and eat of the capital are poor nutrition, and potentially a lot of risk of poisoning for humans?
       Fourth, we use too much soap in the shower. Achievements of civilization is studied, created soap toilet cleaners human body. But it also causes people increasingly weakened. Systems of the human body skin plays a very important role in protecting people from the onslaught of germs, bacteria. But alkalis in soaps is corrosive poison skin. It has the ability to penetrate directly through the skin, attacking your body when your body weak but exposure to this substance. So, when you feel tired, you better not to shower. But if forced to shower, you should just normal to shower with cold water, do not use soap. In everyday life, you should also limit contact with soap. Use less soap for your health and your family!
       Thursday is the bathroom right after eating. This caused great harm to your digestive system. When feeding your body BPR a significant amount of energy to bite, chew, swallow, and digest food before. Bathing your body as well as significant reduction of energy sources. Bath immediately after eating your body as reduced large amounts of energy. Moreover, it also pulled the digestion of food in your digestive system. Therefore you should never do so. Try to maintain good habits in life for you and your family good health! When you have good health then, you can feel the happiness and love in your life!
                                                                Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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