Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Vietnam psychology

      Vietnam people in general, especially the Northerners very seriously vehicles. Owning luxury cars, or bikes almost as expensive as is the dream of everyone. What are they going vehicles represent part of their class. So many people who are trying to have the luxury cars as possible. Many borrowers owed to it.

        Psychology respected transport, transport see the face of his people, it shows class, his position in society, perhaps from the time of Confucius. Since that time the carriage is very valuable items, and chic, the new aristocracy only use. Sitting in the same carriage as today people sit in the same car. The respected transport connections is an expression of seriously thinking forms. In essence, transportation is only a means to help people move. I do not know much about these people transport. I feel that sitting in a automobile will cost 400 million, or 1.5 billion Vietnam dong, were also similar. Moving by bike is cheap or expensive is not much different. On the contrary, I see the cars more expensive machines large and heavier. It is no longer consistent with a weak girl like me anymore. Can I have feelings and thoughts like that because I'm not a person appreciate the external material values. And because I'm an expert on the economy. I feel very unreasonable to have to spend a huge amount of money to buy a luxury car, expensive just to move. Many people misunderstand that these vehicles are precious assets. Actually that is not the property, which is the real objective. Because the property is what value will increase over time, while real consumption will lose value over time. Those vehicles that people buy, apart from being old, damaged by the process used, it is also increasingly being devalued by the progress of science and technology over time. Every day we are losing a lot of money for fuel costs and maintenance of them. When we sell them, it has been devalued so much so it has become the old goods. It really is the major production targets which many mistakenly believe it is naive treasures.
      Besides, Vietnam is a populous country the world number 13. The population density is among the highest in the world. Although the street in Vietnam increasingly enormous. But these vehicles are often clogged by too much. Traffic density measured in an area of ​​road transport compared to Vietnam's highest in the world. Have you ever been in a traffic jam in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City? The largest city in Vietnam, the frequent traffic jams. You will feel tired, frustrated, and worried when a traffic jam. You will inhale the smoke from the exhaust pipe of the vehicle. Dirt will stick into your clothes. To remedy this situation, you should wear sunscreen, wear a mask. So, sometimes even acquaintances could not recognize you in the street. All of them try to go faster, pass a pile of vehicles of all kinds on the street. Therefore, no one cares what watch you ride, how much money. The cars on the streets of Vietnam become very uncomfortable in the eyes of many pedestrians. Because it's too big, should take up much space on the street. The vehicle owner in Hanoi, nor joy and happiness as one might think. Because they are very difficult to squeeze into gaps in traffic to pass up. They only move when the phenomenon of congestion is resolved completely. The moment their car out of gas and stalled in the middle of the road, the car that is the cause of a lot of traffic accidents to others. Because the streets of Hanoi is now very crowded vehicles. Traffic chaos in Hanoi making foreign tourists extremely frightened. Any abnormality in the street can lead to traffic accidents. The parking lot for cars, which are very few, the often narrow in Hanoi. Many people have to rent space for cars overnight very expensive! So there is a place for cars is also very difficult. If unattended car then your car will be stolen lost mirrors, license plate. There are also cases of car theft removed all 4 wheels! The more luxurious car, the more it or was stolen. Because of its high cost of spare parts! Such strenuous, but bring cars to work, you only really assert his wealth to the guard looked away. And you have to work all day in the office, so no one noticed what you ride, how much money. So you do not have many opportunities to show off the money.
       In short, you want to own a psychological expensive cars, which would not be wrong. But if you are not the really rich, then do not try to own the cars are expensive to do. The car is just a means of transportation. Owning a good car to safety in traffic is okay. Psychology of Vietnam today is "short bite peel long"! This means: We made 10 contracts tend to spend 12 to 15 contracts. For example, a person with 700 million for housing. He will try to build a house cost about 1 billion, maybe even more. The outstanding balance of the loan he will go the family, friends, the credit institution. While in the advanced countries is different. One who made 10 contracts, they tend to spend everything 5 contract, the remaining amount they bring savings. They have 700 million to build a house, they will build a house cost about 300 million. Maybe so that Vietnam is still poor, while people in the West they are rich! I want to be a rich man, so I will learn in the way financial expenditure of the people in the western world!
                                                                    Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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