Friday, October 16, 2015

The cover reasonable evasion is an expression of very wise people

      In life when people are weak, the strong enemy hiding with her. It is an expression of a wise man. Yet the escape was not the hide forever. Which is hiding somewhere else to stay safe for life. Then from his hiding all but academic, intellectual discipline, think wise, and martial arts training to improve health. When myself have become really talented. Then we do not need to hide hiding anymore, but we can proudly stand again heaven and earth, say his willpower. So in the days of old power struggles. The forces opposing the revolt was, representing the government, the less likely they are to the old kings alive. They must mobilize all forces to arrest, or ghiet head caused by being old. Although sometimes the previous owner was genuinely want to give up power, it would still not be left alone.

        In the art of war, it is said that solid measures must be put first hit. Weeding must eradicate. Failure to do so, the snake but had been seriously wounded but survived. Because the most important parts of snakes is the first part. If damaged at that part. Most snakes will die immediately. As in other parts of the solid body, whether it has been wounded like that, it is also very fast recovery back. If solid, but not dead, the health restored, it will return to attack the harm it a very drastic way. Because it is self-defense response very nature of snakes. But grass is a species which is very easy to live. As with many growing conditions, development. They grow very fast. When there are no conditions for development, they almost dormant in the soil, without showing symptoms. Grass is harmful to plant species of human. But it always coexist with agriculture since ancient times until today. Humans though very would destroy them completely away from the earth, but no such measure as is. One can only try to eradicate the grass in the area of ​​family farms. To minimize the development of those. With many species of grass, sometimes just left a small root section, when conditions of temperature, light, humidity ... fit, as they grow into a big lawn.
        The previous owner is also deemed as a snake, or grasses. But now they are seriously hurt on all sides. They are inferior enemy forces on all fronts. But just escape but survived. How well have strengthened their day, and come back to destroy his enemies. A truly talented, more virtuous than people. Despite having so many circumstances and adverse conditions. The danger to them from many sides. They had to flee to fill. They are forced to cover it with his good parts to not be evil, wicked, enemy harm. They are forced to strengthen ourselves at all costs, to have the day come back. Because of such people who live very boldly, frankly, honestly. Must evade others, must cover hid the talent and virtue of his, which is not in their nature. But it is just circumstance must do so in order to survive, and later fine up. As a child who was born between heaven and earth, we too must become someone like that. Always be yourself. Although sometimes life forces us to lose oneself in order to survive. , Always trying to improve their own qualities. For one day we went back to be ourselves. But the return will always be strong and more effective, to win what has hurt us.
                                                                                              Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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