Monday, October 26, 2015

Profound lessons from the love story of a princess

      Having a princess extremely beautiful, in one go play in a jungle in the middle of the border with neighboring countries ghieng. She met a handsome prince. Two people love each other. They set a date to meet again, and then everyone continued his own journey. But to date, the princess waiting forever without seeing where the prince. Prince thought something was good. Princess decided to find a prince.

        The path to the palace of the prince so far. The princess must go through a jungle, and a big river. But sharp tree branch in the jungle had ripped apart all the beautiful dresses of princesses, and makes her injuries. But the princess insisted on going. Visit the major rivers without bridges crossing the river. The princess brought all the valuables left on people, to change an old small boat. Then the princess trying to paddle. But the princess trying to paddle to the point, so her crew almost did not move forward. But it kept swirling around a point. Princess tries boating. Then the larger whirlpool, and then it makes the boat capsized princess. That was a beautiful princess drowned. Luckily there is an old fisherman accidentally go over there, he has rescued the princess.
       When the princess woke up, he explained to the princess that: In order to move forward on the water, the princess must paddle with both hands. Absolutely not create distortions forces acting on the side. Otherwise the boat will not get ahead. Although we have tried to how much. Maybe our efforts will make us dangerous. For people like that. The stunted growth too much to the left or right side of the body are very harmful. If the more we try to develop such deviations, then our bodies become increasingly frail. These dangerous diseases will flock to. That success and happiness in life is not achieved. Sometimes we also lost another network. Therefore, the only way to have success and happiness in life is, let's develop balance between the left and right parts of the body. We also need to develop a balance between career and family, between internal and external, between the inner surface, and face outward, ... It seems to make us progress more slowly than those same age. But our progress is steady. The leaders of agencies, organizations, usually people like that. Everything developed so formidable are not good. In this world everything is tolerable, it must be new progress be sustainable. That is why we do not become one in their own development fool too dominant in one area, or a certain part of the body, while the other side has no, or very weak.
      Obediently old fisherman, princesses had rowed with both hands. She was to be the palace of the prince. But see girls dress tattered and hungry too, the guards did not allow her to meet the prince. Despite her pleading and wailing. She suddenly realized, to get love, happiness, and the respect of others, certain people have more money. Or at least to have the talent, and the new intellectual. Just then the king's order issued, who is the prince healing, he will be rewarded with much gold. The princess told the guard that she could cure the prince, without receiving any public money. Just for her to meet the prince only. Seeing a stranger, tell the guards to the king. The king invited the princess to. It turned out for day ride in the woods, remember prince princess home too. But not to wait forever to see the appointed day princess. Just do not know where the princess. The prince was later sick, he was not eager to do in this world anymore. All day long he just lying on the bed. Just saw the princess, he had stood up, hugged the princess but sob. Now the king and queen knew, just to please her heal his son, the youngest princess of the country side. The two countries are trying to hold diplomatic relations intimate. Back strong emotions of love and earnest sincerity of the prince and princess. The king was delighted lavish open. Then people brought gifts to neighbors princess suitors. The parents of the princess is very happy, knowing her daughter had a good guy, the loving their children, brought gifts to the suitors. So they were delighted to agree. Two king were wrong a party in both countries. Since then, the two nations that never invade each other's territory. As for the prince and princess have been living happily together until his death.
                                                                                              Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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