Saturday, July 18, 2015

The most important thing in your life?

     Sometimes we go on living, just fun without noticing something new as most important key to your life. Do you have an appreciation and invest more for it. Until things happen, you know what are the most important things in his life. Until then, it will be difficult to regain.

       According to you the most important thing in your life? Money, love, health, career ...? Where is what is most important in your life? There are many things that seemed so important in your life that is money. Money to help you ensure a good life. Almost everything in life you have to pay in cash. Eg food, clothing, drinking water, housing, footwear, furniture, vehicles ... all voters must pay in cash. But if one day you lose money, you still have a chance to make a lot of money. Today you do not have money, but tomorrow you may be making a lot of money. But if you are to lose your life, you never get a second chance to start over. Your life is what is most important in your life. Other important things in your life is just to ensure that your life is safe and better severance. You absolutely do not sacrifice, or danger to his life, because anything else in life. Those who threaten, or danger to your network are not acceptable. For whatever reason.
        But in life we ​​sometimes really cherish their lives. When broken love, we find death. When career collapsed, I not eat, drink, healthy homemade depleted, threatened his life. Why are we so foolish? In this life, there is nothing more important than our own lives? We mostly just interested in what we lack, we need, we want. And things really directly affect our lives as money, health, safety ... they were not interested and invest more. That is the Aspect lost in our thoughts. Make a lot of money to make sure your life better, to practice sport every day to improve your health, your life, so that is extends more!
                                                                                       Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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