Monday, May 25, 2015

Discussion of love

Winter has arrived, winter is followed by spring - the season of love flourish. Do you agree with me to have a busy spring wedding firecracker, was invited to the marriage cards affectionately sent home as a result of a cold winter passes. In the cold winter, human beings understand loneliness cold during a long night. Since winter is the season with the longest night in the year. Somewhere deep in my soul is yearning with a companion, someone to share feelings, warm our hearts. Winter is also the time I feel like I'm so weak and little to ridiculous before Mother Nature.

     Each chilly breeze blowing, but we are so episodic chills, teeth sometimes collide chattering. Could it be that deep in our subconscious is willing to produce a new generation of good, healthy than our generation to weatherability and maintain the breed so that steps into spring, climate warmer they raced to get married? Despite whatever reason, the bride is always beautiful, luxurious and glamorous wedding day, the groom was handsome and always as a gentleman always elegant, gentleman beside his bride. So we were little kids I would love to see the wedding, watching the bride and groom! View pompous procession strawberry bustling with life jacket. Their love for flowering beautifully fragrant, sweet fresh fruit. Love always great because it's new heart rope connected between man to man. Since ancient times, from east to west, love always be hesitation Thanks to the love that people live more tolerant, lenient than that kindness is the source of strength in every human being. Thanks to the love that old Chu Dong Tu guy so poor that a Treasury without the wear. And yet married and live happily lifelong princesses Tien Dung extremely beautiful and noble. Thanks to the love that we have the wonders of the world like the Hanging Gardens Balilon, grave Tahaj power. Love without distinction of nationality or skin color, regardless of age and even irrespective of the ... sex! So what is the nature of love?
       From primitive times people live pants marriage, children born father unknown face. Love is just a sexual element to maintain the race only. Over time, the creation of social wealth much more redundancy in the community, people arise privatization of material wealth and love and change. People want to own their own love. No sharing. And love is adding a further factor is loyalty. Obviously one can not say she is in love with him, if still regularly cross his sight with the other! A marriage can not be said to be happy when both spouses have their conjugal relationship outside marriage.
      Today, apart from the love which people were bound together by the blood, friendship, colleagues, fellow love, kindness .... And love has always been the lord of all kinds. The culture of social institutions always try put love the fatherland - the army patriotic, love their parents, siblings should be on the procedure yeu- brothers, his wife live shirt! But love always has a great strength in every adult is an indisputable fact. Because the companion of every adult is not the father, mother, brother, sister or friend that is wife, husband always rubbing shoulders together. Share together both bitter and sweet taste of life, to give each other the endless power of love to jointly improve themselves and reap the glory. Make each other happy. The wife, the husband and the owner of the common property between spouses and also the person responsible for each other's work in that property investors and mutual responsibilities and obligations to their children. Love is a beautiful time and great as ever.
     Have you ever thought hard parents put in the culture I grew up and matured almost all accomplishments of our parents which is entirely devoted to the love for a person unfamiliar with our capital. Bring the yellow pearl body whose parents have created, nurturing, a large feed my blood since I was a small island and sheltered offering protection even lavished all their lives for a stranger. I give all the power, but the years of intellectual forge to create wealth and half of the wealth created in our marriage for granted is that of my spouse, not parents or siblings we?
      How did I yearn to love and be loved from a stranger, but not from our relatives. How did I get the desire to share and to match steps with a capital is strange?
      As a child I observed the chickens in the yard and saw a strange thing this. When hatching, hen abstain from eating and drinking to lean rather threadbare village leaving her drive to protect their eggs. Thinking back injured hens seen in the past too, if that now I was carrying rice and drinking water until its drive to eat and drink it before. When newly hatched male chicks, chicken wings ruffled mother always clucked, go around the round, looking upset human observation and vigilance chickens enemies. He looked happy, it pampering cubs each li by little, yet it picked grain called dry switch to switch both switches flood gut to call his son to wear to his stomach stretched today Have not eat. Its legs move very gentle and always glided on the ground for fear of stepping on chicks. When a stranger or it's going to catch a hawk, it reached his neck, ruffled long, he took it very average cesarean delivery, tossing legs with sharp claws enemy bike. Or spread wings hard protective covering from the attack cubs of hawks, despite it being four hawks charnel pitifully, scattered, it only knows squawked painful and fearful sometimes even more unhappiness. As with the help of the chicken and the human community it floods the peaceful look of happiness and valor. When I grow up chickens, chicken mother's love for them is on the decline. By now, louder, if chicks loiter place to eat chicken feed, the mother hen immediately when operated for lost all of his ancient dragon wings! Larger than even chicken chick hen XXX with and lay out the next chicken litter.
      With people, on the other, parent born children with all the love and sometimes risking their own lives to protect the survival of children. Parents sacrifice all pleasure and health, money ... let the children grow up. The children always love their parents, parents are always the big things and the greatest in their eyes. Over time, the love of parents for children remain the source stream never stops flowing and it's even bigger with many hopes on the based thanks to the offspring when his eyesight was blurred, leg slow for them. And the love of the children, on the other, it decreases over the years between the world countless new things and then amidst the maze of love. When immersed in happiness, the pain of love who knows that behind her was always a pair of eyes watched, one arm who received these kids never seemed greater parental. So a girl or a boy may be sexually frustrated suicide or self-indulgent life ... make the eyes of the fathers, mothers should add these vicious pain and hardship on the eyes father mother.
       Please be alert young face of difficulties and loss of life. Couples love is a kind of human emotions in a lot of different emotional things that we have. This door closes, another door opens. Sometimes we encounter firewall can not pass, the courage, the courage to face and walk through it with everything we have. If he should die, must die to make sense, the hero dies. Do abject surrender and renunciation. When I stepped through it and you will find it so small, unconditioned. And behind the firewall is always a Wonderland.
      Wishing all of you young successful and achieve happiness in love and do not forget the responsibility and obligation to their parents - who were born into and have grown our nurturing the mature.
                                                             Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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