Saturday, September 5, 2015

The most righteous man

    Being true man must care for his wife and children. And never dreamed at the property and money so she made. Responsibility to make money to feed the whole family always went to men. Although she has many assets, she made much money. They always belonged totally to her. Let her complete freedom to use them.

      Making true man, do not ever beat his woman, even if only by a flower. Because women are god capital created to give men back cover, cover, and love. She's been a weak creature in the world. Come to our lives, is her desire to bring happiness to our lives. She helped us born babies. For our race endureth for ever after. The power of man is to take on the big things in the family, as well as in society. Not the power of man, is to hurt the wife's body. Physical wounds may heal over the years. But the mental trauma would have probably never heal. Give love and cherish her absolute. Please enlighten her mind, if she had thought wrong. Please stop her wrong actions. And be sheltered, wrapped, protecting her life.
       As true man, do not ever lose scramble over with his wife. Let her make concessions if necessary. Will no one despise you, and that you are afraid of his wife, or a woman dug skirt. Which one sees respectable, see admired, and loved the man appreciate his wife.
       As true man, do not commit adultery. Because that action will make her deepest hurt. In this world, almost no wife that her husband did not love at all. But no matter how much the woman, then man would only stop dreaming of more. Thus the ancient kings have beautiful people in the supply line 3000 ban. Yet every year, they continue to recruit more people to bow beautiful. But to be true men will always be faithful one lap. The fun outside how lifelong joy by the woman he truly loves? In turn this greater sacrifice of the husband. Love, boundless respect of his wife, children, and others in society for them.
       According to you, is the true man should have more quality for? Please give an opinion, so we have a pattern most righteous man!
                                                                                         Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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