Sunday, May 24, 2015

SOS for help

Today she is really needed her help Hoai. Not because she helped her so now want her help again. But because she is the only person capable and could be trusted. Furthermore she is a good person and said Hoai where she is a relative of the victim. The two are quite similar but.

She telephoned her press Hoai 2nd and wait. The bell rang once, she switched off, busy! She has some shortfalls. But she believes that she is busy Huai, can be an important meeting that ... She believed that. The patients in the hospital they started whispering and pity for her. Who has succeeded through labor, to their babies. They are not out of pity for the unfortunate fate of people and touched a warm heart and her chutzpah.
Oe oe baby crying, she could not hold it coax. Make it hungry. Everyone told her to breast feed on, do not be afraid. Seeing her embarrassment, knowing where the baby milk? She knew the meaning of the first drops of milk are important life with little resistance. She said the market has a lot of fake milk intake will harm the baby. This baby was born barely lost mother. It is inherently very vulnerable now. She did not want it to take any further disadvantage. Please milk it? The other mothers of newborns have a two-day, no discharge. Their milk has not used all their children. There's no way they give milk? Think up her search she met a nurse, asked her to seek help childbirth cases died, she would ask them for milk. And pay them monthly. Good-hearted nurse enthusiastic assist. She said: Okay, I'll tell them to meet you. Today there are three cases, the child was born dead. And she would like to get their milk for her child does not, is based on her abilities. I just help her like that. ... Little more to meeting you will be responsible for the whole thing just happened. ... Her voice was sad sad ... my health.
She ignored what might happen to her. Just baby milk feeding, so she relieved now. Nurse goes away, the baby cried. Someone told her closer to breast feed go. She was afraid to answer her without milk. A male doctor appeared, reached nearly pull her chest out and calmly said: I keep the baby sucking on the teat, milk little about. May she keep dodging. Close! ... Yes, she giggled and patients say about how milk is eh doctor? The young doctor was very surprised. She softly said: I was not the child's biological mother. The child's biological mother has been carrying out the procedures put in morgue sir. The doctor looked at her quite sympathetic but said sternly: Well then is she! She pretty much! Dare fake dean ordered the operation. Rat again she will have to answer before the entire board of the hospital discipline on this incident. She rescued the child but her body did not have a drop of milk. She took what remained to feed it or it dies? ...
A huge question? Maybe the baby will die without milk as her trembling hand. Her eyes look around for help! Quiet, everybody evade her gaze. You understand and not blame them. One patient has died the nurse was cited. When she finished speaking his proposals are: Bop! The woman slapped her in the face straight one. And pointing to her face and nearly every language: I just killed me that you want me to take 6 months eyebrow raising children with its milk line u! She raised his hand to strike to the stunned, almost fainted. She stopped and looked nurse she shook her head sadly. The child cried stringent stringent. A patient injured her love, spreading her hands: she gave her baby to stop breastfeeding her child milk yet, others, too. Per person for a little. But not so good because she feared diseases can be spread through breast milk but is not no way. The baby was asleep on hand feeding her worry as piglets drunk milk. She saw the baby sleeping glad heart. She must convince a patient lost two children in the day at the hospital. Her nurse had said that. A thin but thin girls come out sharp. Her eyes filled with melancholy. She nurses only her only when she brought the baby astride but before saying anything, she brushed her aside and strong accent explicitly. I know what she was going to say before. Do not be silly, lest I break both mother and baby face now. They have just lost their loving son. No wonder they so aggressive. Getting them to do a good job affecting health and their beauty is too great. Only one other person. Certainly she must convince her. And a beautiful young girl dressed in the clothes of patients walked out. Black eyes and very bright. She knew she could be an angel, is the only fortune of the child. She brought the baby and knelt dew fall. Her tears flowed and she begged her mercy. Please take her injured child. It could not have missed the birth mother. Lack of caring hands of mother it was very vulnerable now. She did not want the child to use formula milk because of the risk of fake and shoddy. Moreover she will pay the money to buy formula for her monthly. Then she left her briefly in hand begging alms. And surely she would give birth to beautiful children and otherwise healthy. This young woman she probably was an intellectual. She repeatedly pressed his temples, she confused. And finally her love my students are now knelt at her feet the other had won, she gently: Every morning I will wring your baby a bottle, a month she took 2.5 million possible? She rejoices: labor is a! I thank you. Then she took the baby and spread hand feeding a little.

And she goes running off, she quickly grabbed breasted nurse she pulled back as if to arrest a criminal and said loudly: You are not escaping! She has vowed to take full responsibility for the child and muscle surgery that. She gently but explicitly removed her hand out and say: I told you to do, I do not fear. Then goes quickly to the surprise of many. A moment later she appeared with a long rope milk. Smiling and giving the woman was kind and merciful promise of milk. Hand took the child and said: I thank you very much! She used this milk to temporarily place early health recovery. Good people like her would certainly be premature born babies healthy and beautiful only please. She saw women is commendable and predict the future she will be a child born beautiful and healthy, so it was fun. Her eyes lit up, glitter and hopeful. Then she smiled and pointed to her phone number. So the story of baby milk temporarily been resolved.

To be continue ....
                                                               Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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