Sunday, May 24, 2015

Search Results love

 Knowing this, I love Huong much. I called immediately phoned her aunt. Huong said she gave birth to two sons Ha picturesque. Ha as casting his seed. Two children are very obedient and smart. Without hatred paternal family. Huong also now a teacher. Every year teachers go up skilled competition. She is still single and still in love with his one Ha. Ha I mean he is still only man in her life ....! Old lady scolded love me, Matt or something this child! Your son must be beautiful and good Ha Okay, so that must say ... Uncle gushy, address inquiries to visit them, then put them on the receiving organization also provided concrete. And doctors will beg forgiveness Huong! ... It's what she would want to! Uncle poignant emotion and remorse at the thought of ill-treatment were Ms. Huong years old.

                      I reject the static shock, Huong still live quite well. And still like the old beloved uncle. Ao ba ba plates that doctors suddenly received on birthdays or holidays is presented by Ms Huong sewing. Since her store's logo to coincide with the brand has engaged in physician's shirt. She was the one who anonymously sent reject the gifts that were very beloved physician. Two children still carry his Le Ha! ... Uncle sobbed into the phone. Oh god, why? Why is it better to reject such? Hu hu hu ... I told doctors, to make still the same reason alone reject, sir: For Ha uncle was his mother, now I was grandmother of her two sons ...
                I told the doctor she was more interested in keeping a few chickens for the children to eat more eggs. She's pretty good at making money but also are concerned to pay explicitly for the sale of land to the red book, too. So not yet afford. His hometown has many old ranches breed. Uncle went to inquire, then buy a gift for taking a little grandchildren nhé uncle! Maybe the kids will Huong and fun. My uncle capital and says to uncle fled to the neighbor asked doctors Festival. I ordered more. Uncle bought a few chickens to both, then the meat is always fed to the children. Both see doctor visit. Ms. Huong has spent money to buy food, the suffering.
                     Ending his glorious mission, I did not visit her house always means that about. Because her mother was still there. Looking at the small house two empty spaces. But very clean. My heart aches not out of pity. Poor Huong too. Just good, just talent, but both suffered sharp. Hope you try to endure a few more days. Make no later than this weekend. Mr. Ha will stand her. Share the burden in life and with her. I have also come to the school hours. And also do not want to witness the bride mother than ten years to meet again. Anyway there is also a private affair of the family .... Moreover, the small canals dug for kids apparently stripping my vitality.
                     I remember once having Phuong recently, she was beautiful! Beautiful sentimental man of a woman experienced. Strenuous suffering did not get her thrown. Because she always had his heart Ha, with two drops of his blood and encourages sharing the burden of life for her. On that day because evade the pursuit of a man. She was hiding in my house, said her husband is home. And I cooperate with you to trick man. For him not to pursue and annoy you anymore. That day she had cried, he Ha Oh, you are. I suffer too ... She was asking about you Ha. Turns out she also knew that right after the wedding, he Ha fled Spratly Islands But time has moved to the mainland. And she does not know where he is. I say only know him as the boss now in military hospitals of the province. The wife worked as a teacher of high school specializing in the province. Family wife for a piece of land nearby. They have a daughter and are preparing to build houses. I also never came. Just listening to her aunt said. Because from the day you separated. He increasingly distant from family. Each time through the home he only inquired about her news and then quietly leave. I promised I would definitely ask the exact address of his sister Huong Ha. I sensed in her eyes and her veins, she was yearning to talk to my brother a very important something. But that was not to be. Only one heart is hurting. A broken heart. Then she left, she did not know where and what to do. The life of her over the years how! But I know I still love my brother dearly. And did not see her come back home to me.
                     Now think again, about the time she came to see me was when she admitted her husband's family with two baby is not his son Points. And moved back home to live. And thanks to the family advised him to go take another wife point to birth lineage. No wonder she left with strange men pursue. People like her, no cover back and encircled by a husband will suffer more boys fell in love. And I asked her, she certainly did on their father. She loved them, and went looking for him Ha. But she was worried for his happiness Ha affected. She quietly disappear.
                     Ms. Huong love my brother so much. This makes me really admire her. But I do not agree with her treatment. How do you let go of my hand? Why do not you get a little selfish? How do you let the other woman have the chance to get into his life. As worms, daily puppet fields opaque body of my brother. Why two people together not cope with difficulties? She may refuse to go to their happiness is your side Ha. But she has no right to take away the happiness of two children. And you Ha again, he would grief and sorrow to hear how his sister had a baby and nourish them throughout these years ...
                       Anh Ha Oh, you have to hurry. Do not lose Huong added again. You two are the same. But went on both sides of a large circle. But now two people about to be back together then. Do not lose each other again. Now I have grown up, he has two small children and her aunt backing. May the two people to be together and happy forever.

                     Thinking so, I went to stop the car back and forth between a fairly deserted stretch. Do not wait to come home, I called him Ha, talk about the situation of Huong and two children. Initially he thought the child of two children with her husband, her sister Huong. Because I know she's only after you place the Spratlys were married. But do not know where she was and no one met her at all. He did not believe she could get married. Because he knew she loved him. And if you have to get married and give birth to men. He did not blame her, no right to blame her. Drudge daughter, where roots fulfill vows complete only belong to a man? He will love her kids wholeheartedly. It is the child of Perfume, the only love of his life. But when I said it was his child. Having two children because she has twins, ... he was amazed. Phone extinguished. I know you're six foot three early runs off to find my address Huong said. Although Huong heart with his anger many. Then she had no right to deny his paternity with two small children.

To be continue ....
                                                                Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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