Saturday, May 23, 2015

Prince of dreams

 It home and have thought a lot about a guy who deal, live too inept where other ethnic friends in the mountains of Ha Giang stone. It took a pen and castigate each stroke to write letters to a very special friend bietnay. Then it pounding palpitations when dropping a letter into the mailbox in the post office. He was restless. It carefully postal worker asked about the maximum time it can get a response from you the other. The day after, it came pretty happy mood class. It or look for accommodation pay letter of the students with an enigmatic smile. Have you seen it so many times immediately demanded. But he just smiled mysteriously.

                  The maximum time it may receive a response forthcoming. That it had not received a letter. It restless. Suspense'd suffocate. On what it is to see the letter, but that are not there. It began to get bored. It lost all hope.
                   The misfortune of the family weighed heavily on its shoulders. It decided to carry out his suicide plan. One is that it will enable the parent to its side. Two is that it is free to implement the plan to rebuild his personality. It said, if like this. It will always be a person living in a lie. It will never be truly happy. Or is it possibly die. It really does not want that. But he'd rather die than be its plight stamping buried itself become evil.
                   It stood in front of the wall socket and it got nervous. It needs someone to help her carry princess escape this. He closed his eyes, then opened them. Nobody at all. God is not real. It put little hands to a wall socket. It is intended after this it will fool everyone is losing his memory. And it will do from the beginning. Relearn the basics that once it learned a way too sketchy. It must begin again to have real success in his 40s. It said if this does not cause Scandan service, it is not enough courage to start again. It's not brave enough to face the part of people ignorant and incredibly his immaturity. It'll always be the girl irrepressible and kindness in the eyes of people. Whatever it said, it was a bad part remains hidden inside. Partly who had never lived so now it is not a people person, not a naughty naughty.
                 Mom is sure to be startled and did not dare mistreat with it as it once was. It would be behaving in his thoughts more. People would not dare break their qoat think their opinion ruthlessly as before. They also fear it dose. ... It did so also to its enemies, who were behind the killing earlier missed it a few times, saw no need to try to kill it again. As it is to find the way to death. It does not know there survived not anymore?
                 He closed his eyes and put my little hands curled qoeo for baked too hard to do all the chores for the whole family from a very young age. By reflex action of the body. Hand it to be bounced off, it again put his hand on the old site, hand it to dislodge but seems momentum was weaker than the first. It forcibly hold hands it back. Initially quite strong repulsion, then weakened. Power supply after the fire a little skin, then turn to suck it. It had wanted to terminate his hand but could not, hand it sucked in too tightly. His eyes begin to blossom. It began to find themselves unable to escape.
                   Oh, life is so short of it back. My God! It backs neck skyward disappointing. Suddenly ears hear a bloodcurdling young man, I have I! I do this so? No no! Oh god .... it parted its eyes see dim a very strange guy. He looked very handsome and gentle like a prince. He wore a shirt with short hair pretty beautiful color he pleased ngua.Mai very neatly trimmed. ... Who is he? Why appear in its home? It is not promptly rushed to ask him then to pull it out of power.
                 But he waved his hand and was determined not to let him approaching. It tries to explain the very strong suction power, if he hits it. Both will die. It can not die but involves a good and innocent people like him die together. But he does not listen, he rushed to pull it out. It took a while to force young boys. Both new tumbling to the ground. Who it was limp, it faint away. He lay there motionless. What the eye does not see, it tries to lay call him bitterly. Perhaps he was trying to fall towards its body caught up in pain. When he speaks, it tears. It asked why are you so foolish. Rat again they lost their lives because of a strange girl then. His hands clawed at her hair. He tried to open his eyes just looked smooth smile full of satisfaction and joy, his pride only. He whispered in his ear said: If I die, I'll die. He did not know why this is so. But he is definitely like that! ...
                  It lay his head into his chest and smiled, he did not know why he thought so. It's sad to see. His father died when he was in the womb. Now his mother has married and trying new born babies. It is from the love and hope of motherhood. Now it is the burden of the mother, the mother always wanted to dispose of it. He collapses on the ground, naturally regret why I did not go to all the dead qoach useful functions of this life. Nobody in this world love and need it all. It looked at the electrical outlet is being scorched. It pops up, it rushed to it to the end of his life. Although it was 15 years old then.
                   But he clutched at the waist it pull back. He tried to explain why it has such crazy ideas. That its current life is also his dream. And nobody loves it, he would love it, you need it to live, he just could not live. It vaguely thought for this weird guy who probably wrote it for him. But its function is gradually hardens. It does not speak. Trying really it just said a few words to thank you, and it says, it is nothing to thank you all, you want something, just take the wild. His eyes glistened it. He put his head into the chest of its large new body. His heart pounding wildly. He held it clasp and told him: No one loves me, no one wants you, then please tell me? Make his wife, he promised to take care of and love you all my life.
                    It gently pushed him away, nothing but love story, maybe not? Because it was his dream about a young teacher in class. He was always very handsome, gallant and graceful sight it. He was very interested in it, When it sad he will do everything possible so that it can laugh. There, as he told hundreds of jokes made the class laugh leaning tilt. Until it burst into laughter, then he sat breathing and looked at it fulfilling. But his family protested too vigorously. They frankly spit on both sides it right before class. For her house poor and it has no future. It's still just a high school student. And he is a career path is open wander. They also cursed it because it was a decent home. Because it does not have a father. It sure as wiggle room that now it looks nice and perfect. But in the future, in the development stage a second youth. It will become wicked as those of his family. It was really very confused about his future. If the future it became bad as they say it is better to die than to go qoach. Eyes it preferred rate, it does not want to live anymore.
                 He hugged it to heart, perhaps he cried out of pity for him. He told it's seems pretty early to say that I love it. But he wants to take it to wife. Although it had nothing. He just it alone! A small bit of happiness as a butterfly in the garden beautiful spring flowers heart he interjected. He hugged his neck, his eyes still closed. It says to him: 'Do not be foolish like! He was not one where it likes men! It suddenly I felt strange, stars with skinny stature and his tiny but very powerful so. Obviously it is not know anything about the man world. It shows respect him. It barely whispered, come up to you! This was her life belonged to him. You are mine .... Then he fainted.
                     In his unconscious he saw crying. It's just trying to hug him in the heart. And he found himself being lifted up. He carried it into the room to take care of. Musculature and its nerve quite severely damaged. He did not mind putting in care it everything from A to Z. Because he thought it was his wife. Although no formal marriage, but it was treated as spouses and emotionally. From ancient times to the present, boys and girls together, to consent to his wife, to her husband. As husband and wife, so even just two, but he was keeping it. Apart from the kiss, hug clasp, almost like he did not do anything about it. Everyday she still sent to the House for its rice ....
                    It just sleep through. In the dream sometimes it shows his little body lean body weighing on it. It does not push him away because it was very like the feeling of being close to his flesh. Sometimes he did not lie to him anymore. Her hands are pounding left, it can not embrace him. So it tries to lay on you. He heard his voice laughed. But it died away. It just died away in a coma like in so many days. What is happening every dream real dreams real. It is not clear how the truth is. It just felt what he or hug him tightly. It feels strained arch chest and his hard round. When it wakes up transient, it just shows his chest only. He wanted to see his face clearly but it has never had that opportunity.
                     Then it stronger, sometimes it and he exchanged a few small stories. He is also happy ecstatic when it rubbing porters extremely beautiful face into the chest of his incredibly beautiful and his. And it is it really love to do that. Perhaps it was gradually belonged to him both soul and body.
                      Some days I want two people go further, I want to explore it more body. Maybe he was angry at what it does. Or you're going to have to go far from where it was living? He removed the old undershirt of it too clumsy, trembling and powerful as it hurt and woke. He hugged it tightly to the heart that it could not see his face, it just felt the warmth and love he has from his chest arch. Who it weakened, it hugged strangle him. Naturally it uttered it loved him. Then she instructed him to remove the old undershirt of it out. Tight coat, it did loosen up a few inches more to look pretty bad, it was embarrassed and he was looking coat with an attitude that very respectfully. Then he fainted again, it does not know what he did with it. But then, he knew he must live. Living for resilience and good.

                       It's back to school, work hard and diligently as before. It goes through the university entrance diligently. In his dream, sometimes it felt to him. Although doctors say is incubus phenomenon. But it does not believe. Because of the feeling in his dream is very real.

                                                                          Author: Pham Thi Hoi

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